quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

OpenDragon: Novo programa OpenSource para Análise de imagens

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The Global Software Institute announces that their Open Dragon software, a variant of Goldin-Rudahl’s Dragon/ips software for aerial/satellite imagery analysis, is now freely available for non-commercial use, and the Java source code will be released as open source sometime in the near future. From their press release:
OpenDragon offers a full suite of image analysis and raster GIS capabilities including image enhancement, supervised and unsupervised classification, geometric correction, measurement and statistics, vector capture and display, slope, aspect and buffer calculations and multi-criterion decision making. Open Dragon also includes the Open Dragon Toolkit, which allows users who can program in C to extend the software functionality. GSI will also make the source code for OpenDragon available for non-commercial use under an Open Source license during the next six to nine months.
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